Grant Emergency?



GranteeSupport was established in 1995 by a collective

of grant evaluation masters from

GranteeSupport is a small collective of grant researchers, evaluators, and nonprofit experts who, for decades, worked successfully for as post-award providers. As GrantWriters increasingly focused on writing grants, the management of post-award services was better met by this budding collective we call GranteeSupport.

GranteeSupport is comprised of scholars and doctorates, willing to provide grant management assistance in an efficient, nonprofit-friendly manner.

Just talking with one of our dependable experts will alleviate the common stressors associated with grant management. We step in to support grantees at any time, regardless of budget or deadlines. Rest assured, your grants are always in the best of hands.

Established in 1995, our goal is to help grantees adopt and scale effective grant management practices to advance grant enterprise and eliminate resource waste.

It is wasteful for grantees to expend time and effort, scrambling to meet records and reporting demands, or trying to understand the loose fabric of funder rules and regulations. GranteeSupport can handle the data and red tape so grantees can focus their work on communities.

With GranteeSupport, grants (as an enterprise), can generate endless possibilities and real solutions for suffering communities. We witness this every day.

Our favorite clients are data-driven, nonprofit innovators and community entrepreneurs who seek the change others believe is impossible.

Our professionals have written and been awarded millions of dollars of government and private grant funding in one or more fields of education, research, health, justice, and/or other genres.

We’ve conducted full scale evaluations on numerous grants, requiring high levels of communication with grant dollars, programs, funders, staff, stakeholders, and boards.

We’ve also helped grantees through the challenges of funder site visits, audits of all kinds, restricted status and reimbursement debacles, and even federal fraud and waste investigations.

We’ve also presented grant successes and outcomes to congress, councils, IRB’s, boards, and at conferences – sharing the “good” grants can create.

You’ll find the “service specific credentials” of team members throughout this website.

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