Grant Emergency?


GranteeSupport  manages grant data, reporting, and funder compliance for most US grant awarded agencies.

Grantee Services

GranteeSupport offers hands-on, dependable assistance with funder communications, budgets, and paperwork (at nonprofit-friendly pricing).

If you’re with a US grant-awarded agency, we can help.

Grant Award Coordination

Policy Development

Progress Report Writing


Needs Assessments

Sustainability Preparation

Grant Compliance Review

Point of Contact Support

Community Impact Reports

Budget Refinement

No Cost Extensions

How We Help Grantees

GranteeSupport’s mission is simple: grantee success. 

We help grantees fulfill the directives and deadlines set by funders while making sure grantees are in regulatory compliance.

Our grant professionals can craft policies, forms, budgets, progress reports, and most other records required by grantors. We can even attend funder meetings and trainings by proxy.

We also help grantees achieve the sustainability of successful grant initiatives. This means the ongoing pursuit of new grants co-occurring with the grant management engine established by GranteeSupport.

Grant emergencies welcomed!

Need Grantee Relief?

Are you a grantee, scrambling to meet records and reporting demands, or trying to understand the loose fabric of funder rules and regulations?

Stop. It’s not your job.

GranteeSupport can step in at any phase of a grant to handle data, compliance, and funder communications so grantees can focus on their communities.

Working with our evaluators and nonprofit experts can eliminate grantee learning curves, time wasters, stress, and mistakes.

Grants CAN generate endless possibilities with GranteeSupport.


Meet GranteeSupport

The diversity of skills required of studious grant managers can be found in our collective of grant experts.

From nonprofit accounting specialists to applied researchers and grant writers, we are united by the common experience of being grantees.

No deadline too tight.
Most grantee errors, fixable.

Client References

Ask GranteeSupport

Kudos on taking the first step to secure long term, sustainable solutions for your capacity building needs. Tell us about your agency and how we can help.

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